Pathways Rhythms

December 2024


Thank You!

Thank you to all who supported Pathways Retreat through our annual silent auction fundraiser.  A total of $6,463 was raised, making this our most successful silent auction ever!  Whether you donated, bid, or encouraged others to participate, we are so grateful for your support.

Pavilion Update


Work has begun on the much anticipated pavilion project!  The new walkway and privacy fence are in place, sand and soil were hauled in, and construction has begun. Pathways' guests can expect to hear and see evidence of construction work for the next few months.

Prayers at Pathways


Winter Prayer Sabbatical  Pathways Rhythm of Prayer will pause December 23 - January 10 for the annual winter sabbatical.  Daily prayers will resume on January 14.  Pathways will remain open for individual and group retreats.

Prayer Community Candlemas Gathering  Sunday, February 2, 5 pm.  This annual tradition of blessing the candles that will be used at Pathways in the coming year is an opportunity for the prayer community to gather in-person. Hot drinks, snacks, and sharing will follow the short service. In the case of inclement weather, the service will be held online.

Iona Healing Prayers will be held online only in December, January, and February.  

Programs at Pathways

Click on the blue program names for more information


New! Praying with Beads Workshop Explore a prayer practice that combines hand movement and sense of touch with focused scriptures and create your own set of prayer beads.  Saturday, February 22.  Led by Charlene Mast

Weekly Yoga  Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm. Series 3: Advent, Christmas, & Epiphany; December 2 - January 6.  This class is appropriate for all skill and experience levels.  Led by Malinda Berry.  


Zentangle Art  Explore the practice of mindfully drawing images from repetitive and structured patterns.  This class is designed for all skill and experience levels.  Led by Sylvie Gudin.  Saturday, January 11.   

Meditative Zentangle Practice Last chance to register for December 14! Integrates Zentangle-inspired art, centering prayer, and visio divina.  For anyone who has attended one of Sylvie’s Zentangle art classes. Led by Sylvie Gudin  Saturdays, December 14 and January 25.


Soul Collage  A psychological and spiritual tool to discover and listen to the voices inside us through creating 5x8 collage cards.  Meets on the first Sunday of each month.  Led by Tisa Birdette.

Contemplative Circle  a holy time of connecting with your Source and with like-hearted others, using the book Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus.  Meets every Sunday, except the first Sunday of the month.  Led by Shelley Cataldo.

Stay up-to-date with events happening at Pathways Retreat

Calendar of Events

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.