weekly Newsletter 5th of july 2020

fourth sunday after trinity  


10.30am - Service of the Word
​from All Saints 

Missed one of our online services? YOU CAN VIEW THEM ALL BY CLICKIng HERE


Mark 11:1-11

Collect Prayer

O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that with you as our ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporal that we lose not our hold on things eternal; grant this, heavenly Father, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.​ Amen

we need to talk about racism

A really helpful article from Red Letter Christians UK on Anti-Racism, Jesus and me


New book group discussion 

 The group met for the first time on Thursday and had a rich and fruitful discussion. Next session 9th July at 7.30pm and every other Thursday via Online Video Conferencing.

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in joining this new book group.

The meetings will be fortnightly and last no more than 90 minutes.

The idea is to consider together some important contemporary issues in the light of the Gospel message of Jesus. In order to facilitate this we will use a book to inform our discussions looking at a chapter or two between each meeting. To launch this initiative we will be using the book 'Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race' by Reni Eddo-Lodge, alongside reflecting theologically on what we learn together.

We hope this will help us look at the issues raised through the lens of Jesus’ teaching, and to consider what it means to be anti-racist.

As a church we want to participate in peaceful protest and be part of the renewal of the world in the  light of God's love for all.  If you feel called to repentance you may find the video prayers below helpful.


19 Mercies: a spiritual retreat

You may wish to join us for  '19 mercies', a spiritual retreat.
If you would to join us then drop an email to Jeremy ([email protected]) for details of the zoom invitation and password.


Church Finances

Thank you for your financial gifts to the mission and ministry of the All Saints family. We really appreciate all the regular support we receive through PGS and standing orders, as well as the one off donations received over this time. It has been a great blessing.

As you all know, the church has been unable to generate any income during the Coronavirus outbreak. Our outgoings have remained the same however. At the beginning of this year, we had £34,220 in our account, which is equivalent to 6 month's costs. The current projection for the end of this year is that we will be left with enough money to pay just under two month's costs, £7,345. We urgently need to generate further funds in order to pay for these costs.

Giving - while we can't meet.

If you normally donate cash or cheques using the weekly collection or 

If you would like to setup a standing order please use the following details
Account name:        All Saints Church Highertown PCC.
Bank:                      Lloyds Bank, Boscawen Street,  Truro
Sort Code:              77 - 09 -12
​Account number:     2 9 4 1 9 2 6 0

You can also now quickly and easily set up payments via the Parish Giving Scheme by contacting their phone line 0333 002 1271. Please quote our PGS Code: 390639122

If during this time you would like to make a one off gift to the church you may wish to use our Justgiving service by giving online using a debit/credit card or paypal account. Click on the link here to give to the church in this way.

Supporting Good mental & Spiritual health

Online Meditation Group

Treargel Retreat Centre is running a Christian meditation group for half an hour at 6pm every Monday (currently via Zoom), at which all are welcome. Contact them if you are interested in finding out more. Tel: 01503 262993

Quiet Day at Home

Degibna Prayer Chapel are putting together low tech quiet day resources Further resources can be found on their website: http://www.degibnaprayerchapel.org.uk/

Find simple ways to help deal with loneliness and isolation. 

  1. Pray. Light a candle, if safe, and pray for hope, faith and strength to keep loving and caring for each other during this time of struggle.
  2. Talk about how you feel. This may be difficult if you are self-isolating, but do use the telephone, internet, and social media. If you need to contact a counsellor this can be arranged by your GP, or via local agencies, or privately. The Samaritans are there 24 hours a day, every day, and it’s free to call them on 116 123.
  3. Focus on the things that you can change, not on the things you can’t.
  4. Look after yourself - physically, emotionally, spiritually. Plan in things that you enjoy at regular intervals during the day – a TV programme, a phone call, a book, a favourite dish, a game.
  5. Look after others. Even if only in small ways, but do what you can: a smile, a kind word, writing a letter or an email.

church news and notices


We have  launched a new website just for online content during the lockdown period.  It includes recorded services, meditations, articles and sermons, along with links to all our social media channels. 

Reopening of churches

You will have heard that churches will be allowed to open under certain restrictions from next week. The PCC is carefully considering the risks and prayerfully deciding how and when the church will be able to open and for which activities. 

Whilst Government guidance has been revised to allow certain activities to take place in church buildings, it is still vital that the necessary hygiene and social distancing precautions are kept in place in order to protect the NHS and save lives.

Items for prayer this week

We pray that people will continue to care for each other during the lockdown relaxation.

We pray for a courageous determination to live out God's justice and bring about a better world after Coronavirus.

We pray for schools, colleges and universities trying to educate children and young people safely.

We pray for Freddie and family.

We pray for all those still in isolation, especially those suffering with mental health problems.

We pray for those countries in the world where Coronavirus infections are still rising.

ENCOURAGing and resourcing


This week's meditation by Anna Robinson is here click here to listen

Your chance to have your say in how to build a better Cornwall after Coronavirus

Cornwall Council are asking for information about how Coronavirus has impacted you and want to hear about your ideas for how to move forward in a positive way.

Last week, they published the results of a survey among 500 residents of Cornwall about the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and their views about the future after the pandemic is over.

Only one in ten residents want things to go back to what they were before. People said they wanted a cleaner environment, reduced traffic with more cycling and walking – and they are also keen to keep the good community spirit they saw during the lockdown. 
You can take part in the survey by clicking the button below


School Chaplains working through lockdown


A really inspiring and encouraging story about the school chaplains working at Bishop Bronescombe School​ and how they've continued with their ministry written by Jac Smith, Communications Officer at the Diocese of Truro

Resources for learning about racism and other injustices and positive things you can do to work with God in bringing the Kingdom of God into the world:

Pray There are many resources for engaging with current events and pursuing peace through our prayer, Some of the best are:

Daily meditations from Father Richard Rohr at the Centre for Action and Contemplation, available by email.

Resources for Racial Justice Sunday from the United Reformed Church

Get involved Christian Aid have campaigns all over the world against poverty and injustice

Report Hate Crime We have published details of how to report hate crime on our website:

You can do this by: Contacting Devon and Cornwall Police   
​or Stop Hate UK
or Stop Hate Crime / Stop Hate UK BSL service 
​or CrimeStoppers

Devon and Cornwall Police have lots of useful information on their website

Volunteer Lots of national and local charities need all sorts of different help

Read There are many helpful books and resources on racial injustice and the black experience, the following is a small sample:


Historic England have a number of resources on British involvement in the Slave Trade

The Understanding Slavery Initiative​ has resources illustrating the inhumanity of slavery, which still impacts people today


Brit(ish): On Race Identity and Belonging by Afua Hirsch (2028)

Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge (2017)

White Fragility: Why it's so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo (2018)

Black and British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga (2017)

We Need to Talk About Race: Understanding the Black Experience in a White Majority Church by Ben Lindsay (2019)


Social distancing:

what you need to do

To stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), you should try to avoid close contact with anyone you do not live with. This is called social distancing.

How to avoid spreading the infection

It's very important to do what you can to reduce the risk of you and other people getting ill with coronavirus.

You can spread the virus even if you do not have symptoms.

    NHS advice: Social distancing:

    what you need to do

    To stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), you should avoid close contact with anyone you do not live with.

    This is called social distancing.

    How to avoid spreading the infection

    It's very important to do what you can to reduce the risk of you and other people getting ill with coronavirus.

    You can spread the virus even if you do not have symptoms.


    • stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you do not live with when outside your home

    • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds

    • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

    • wash your hands as soon as you get home

    • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

    • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards

    • if you can, wear something that covers your nose and mouth when it's hard to stay away from people, such as in shops or on public transport


    • do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean


    For more information about how to avoid getting and spreading coronavirus, see staying safe outside your home on GOV.UK.

    Things you can and cannot do

    The government has published guidance on what you can and cannot do outside your home.

    This includes guidance about when you can leave your home, seeing other people and going to work.


    There is separate advice:

    Looking after your health and wellbeing

    To help yourself stay well while you're at home:

    • stay in touch with family and friends over the phone or on social media
    • try to keep yourself busy – you could try activities like cooking, reading, online learning and watching films
    • do light exercise at home or outside – see NHS fitness studio: exercises you can do at home
    • consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D each day if you're indoors most of the day – this is to keep your bones and muscles healthy

    Advice on mental health while you're staying at home:

    If you need medical help

    It's important to get medical help if you need it, especially if you feel very unwell or think there's something seriously wrong.

    • If you have symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste), use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service.
    • If you need to contact a GP, use the GP surgery's website, use an online service or app, or call the surgery.
    • For urgent medical help, use the regular NHS 111 online service, or call 111 if you're unable to get help online.
    • For life-threatening emergencies call 999 for an ambulance.

    If you're advised to go to hospital, it's important to go. Keep going to any appointments you usually have, unless you're told not to.

    Read about using the NHS and other health services during coronavirus.


    Get help and support

    If you're at a higher risk from coronavirus, you can get help from an NHS volunteer with things like getting food, medicines and other things you need.

    Call 0808 196 3646 (open 8am to 8pm) to get help from NHS Volunteer Responders.



    Vicar: Revd Jeremy Putnam  (01872 261944) 

    Curate: Revd Janette Mullett


    Simon Bray (07724 168789)       

    Jane Tomlinson (01872 273542)

    Staff Team

    Youth Leader: Alice Bevan (07450 997945)

    Operations Manager: Lucas Bostdorff (07511 214450)

    Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Irene Mortimore (07889 822951)

    Church Office Hours: Administrator- Kirsty Basram 

     [email protected]  (Mon 6-10 and 1.30-3, Thurs 8-4, Fri 8.30-11)

    Let's stay connected