COVID-19 and Community Comforters

All Saints Church is committed to living out the gospel in word and deed. Whether we are in church, in our homes, in our work places we will be praying. Whether we are in church, in our homes, in our work places we will want to help, and we are ready to receive help too.

We are all in this together, for sure. But Christians are driven to action by the love of Jesus Christ, a love that every person has received by grace, and so whilst it is important to keep safe and virus free at all times (by following the clear guidance of Public Health England), the church community is looking for ways to put our faith to action in new and creative ways.

On our website there is a new page dedicated to identifying need locally and coordinating support locally. We are not seeking to duplicate what is happening elsewhere unnecessarily, but we aren't wanting to stand still either, so this web page is our effort to get stuck in. If you can help, or if you know someone who needs help then please be in touch. 

If you know someone in the church or beyond the church who is susceptible to loneliness, and who might need help with food deliveries or financial issues then please use the new page to let the church know. Equally, if you would like to offer support you can use the same page to indicate your availability. Either way please keep everything in prayer and remember that John wrote that perfect love drives out all fear..

Revd. Jeremy Putnam
Priest in Charge, All Saints Highertown

1 John 4:8 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear."

Read the Feature

A pastoral statement from the Rt Revd Philip Mountstephen, Bishop of Truro.

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Community Comforter

We are looking for support, and people to support during the delay and containment phase of the Coronavirus outbreak. Could you help?
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Archbishops Letter

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have today called for Church of England churches to put public worship on hold, and become a “different sort of church” in the coming months to face the challenge of coronavirus. 
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latest blog post

Right now, the anxiety so many people are feeling is palpable.  Anxiety...Adele Jarrett-Kerr and her family attend All Saints. She is a mother, writer, home educator and breastfeeding counsellor. She blogs at adelejarrettkerr.com 

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truro lifehouse updates

The team are raring to go! The Coast to Coast Half Marathon will be the setting for a big fundraising push for the Lifehouse. Check out the team photo... they look like they could run it tomorrow!

In other news.. The Lifehouse Project has received financial support from the Allchurches Trust. Last week we received the news from their Trustees that we will be receiving £50k in immediate financial support. What a fantastic answer to prayer. Thank you Allchurches Trust.


Volunteers Recognised at The 2020 Community Celebration Awards

An event at Truro Cathedral hosted by the Mayor of Truro, Bob Smith, saw some of the city's most hard-working volunteers awarded for their contributions to making Truro a better place to live.

The award ceremony took place on the 7th March, and welcomed people from across Truro to celebrate the tremendous work carried out by a group of volunteers who regularly give up their time to serve members of the community.

Amongst the award winners were Bob Girvan from Truro Foodbank, Cornwall Children's Clothes Bank, Mary Jones from Singing for the Brain and Lynne Bray from All Saints Church Highertown. These community groups have played an integral part in the planning of The Truro Lifehouse, and the Project 10:10 Team are thrilled that their hard work has been recognised.

You can read more about the 2020 Community Celebration Awards here.

Sunday Services Now Suspended

You will probably have heard in the news today that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is now suspended until further notice. This means none of our congregations will be meeting on Sundays for the foreseeable future.

In addition to this, and to ensure we are in line with guidance given by the Government we will be suspending our Toddle Parent and Child Group, our Youth Group, and small group activities. 

All other groups run from the church have been suspended also, other than 

front line services

Truro Foobank under the guidance of the Trussell Trust will be adjusting their services to better cope with demand at this time. All Saints Church is committed to enabling the work of Truro Foodbank and will continue to give over space and time to better support our work together.


Acts 435 will continue to run and support people in financial crisis. The Advocate Team at All Saints may well need additional support so please keep them in your prayers.


The pastoral team will be producing prayer resources for those staying at home. As of 17th March 2020 all CofE public ceremony and worship services have been suspended. Over the next few weeks we'll try and keep people connected to what is available online, but also drop in printed copies of prayers, sermons and reflections for use at home.

You may wish to download the first two resources for this weekend here.

Mothering Sunday Intercessions.pdf
Ways to Pray if you can’t get to Church.pdf
Can i receive home communion?

The answer is YES. We have a small team of pastoral ministers who can arrange a time to share home communion with you. However, this may not be possible in the usual way if you are self-quarantined, or if a household member is isolating for the same reasons. In this situation we can deliver a small portable Home Communion set that you can self-administer. Instructions will be provided, liturgy and elements will also be included. 

If you would like to receive Communion at home please call 01872 261944 to speak to Revd Jeremy Putnam and we can make the arrangements.

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