Notes and Reminders

April 2, 2020

News Calendar Directory Sermons


This Sunday at St. Francis

Cycle of Prayer


In our Parish Cycle of Prayer, we pray for our clergy: Brendan, Tony, Christine, Carolynne and Ken. We also pray for the Architectural Advisory Ministry, and the households of Sue Tarrant, Linda Tasker, Gary and Sandi Thompson and Jerry Thomsen.


Our new website!

Online Directory

To view online or on your mobile you must create a first-time login and password.

Your email will need to be verified which will come as an email from our online provider.

***You can edit your own page, add additional family members and add a photo(s), birthday, anniversary for each individual. 

If you do not appear in the directory or would like to be added, or have any questions please send to: [email protected]

Online payments are now available through PayPal

PayPal link and image is on the home page.

***If you are mailing in a pledge check or donation and not using PayPal, please be sure to use the mailing address:

PO Box 445

Wilsonville, OR 97070


Backpack Buddies

(subject to change)

Monday April 27 at 3:00 pm 

Tuesday, April 28 at 9:00 am


The children and others are filling their Mite Boxes during Lent to raise funds for the Heifer Project.

The children and others are filling their Mite Boxes during Lent to raise funds for the Heifer Project.

This organization provides animals to families in Third World countries as a way to earn a living. With the money last year we were able to donate a hive of bees-- where families could use the honey, sell it, and use the bees for increased pollination on crops.

We also donated a flock of ducks –to be used for their eggs, and a help in keeping down insects on crops. We are wishing to donate a goat this year if we raise enough. Adults are invited to help with the Mite Boxes also!!

These boxes can be brought to the church when services resume.


Guys Nite Out + Gals Nite Out

We have suspended our gatherings. 

We look forward to resuming on Thursday, May 7.

Coordinators: Gary and Sandi T: [email protected]


Ladies Lunch Out

Third Mondays of the month

We have suspended our gatherings until further notice.

New members, visitor and friends are welcome.

Coordinator: Peggy Danford [email protected]


Please direct any pastoral care questions or emergencies to Father Brendan by calling the office at 503-678-5422 or Deacon Ken Russell at 503-887-5587.

Prayer Chain

Do you have an urgent need for prayer, or do you know someone who is in need of prayer? Simply call 503-263-1509 or go to, PRAYER CHAIN, and give your first name and prayer concern. Your request will be kept confidential and will be passed on to a chain of parish intercessors who will pray on your behalf. You may also use the Welcome Card in the pews, stating your request.

Holy Week Schedule

  ​(All events during Holy Week subject to change)

Palm Sunday, April 5 - ONLINE WORSHIP

 9:00 am Morning Prayer Online

Sermon will be available on YouTube and the link will be posted

11:00 am Online Coffee Hour and Congregational Meeting

Maundy Thursday, April 9 - ONLINE WORSHIP

 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy

Good Friday, April 10 - ONLINE WORSHIP

12:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy Online

 1:00 pm Stations of the Cross

 7:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy Online

Easter Day, Sunday, April 12 - ONLINE WORSHIP

  9:00 am Morning Prayer Online

Sermon will be available on YouTube and the link will be posted

11:00 am Online Coffee Hour and Congregational meeting
