
Every year, I invite people to come to the Ranch and experience Vas Pesh.  It is a joy to see the smiling faces in the room as they begin to unlock the health patterns that each person is born with.

It's a huge commitment to have sessions and heal. The time.  The money.  Finding caregivers for little ones, parents or pets.  2 whole hours out of your time!

Sometimes, people need a little help, so I am offering a Free ZOOM Gypsy Oracle & Health Session in a Name Drawing scheduled for my birthday on September 23rd.  We'll make the announcement that day before my party!  There are many reasons I do this… but mainly, it's because GIVING FEELS GOOD.

But you have to enter to Win.  So respond that you want to be counted in for this.  Don't wait, and you can only enter once!


loko monogosee… from the light of my heart!


PS. Let me tell you how you can keep learning about Vas Pesh, Gypsy healing practices and the spiritual teachings of tlish diyan.

I have just started an online training that's really unique.  There are five 2-hr sessions, and you book the sessions like you do the appointments for a healing.  Got your curiosity peaked?  Well, then check out Vas Pesh Healing Coursework. And begin your journey of self-healing and returning your body to patterns of health!  Not only will you learn, but you will heal in the process, and the time is just you and me, one-on-one.  Now that's how I learned!

Online Course…


September 26, 2020 - BodyWisdom: Stone + Vas Pesh = Healing Circle