
The STAR Republican News

May 2022

Star Republican Women is a federated member club of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and serves members and communities within TFRW Region XII and Texas Senate Districts 22 and 24.


In This Issue. 

  • May 17 Meeting Details
  • Sara's Shorts
  • ​Upcoming 2022 Elections Info
  • SRW Honoring Vets May 26-27
  • HLRW Hosts Building Team Leader Luncheon
  • ​Ask a Friend to Join Star! 
  • Thank you Patrons & Sponsors!

Margaret Byfield

& Mary Jane Avery

To Speak At SRW

May 17 Meeting

Complimentary lunch begins at 12:30 p.m.

Program commences at 1:00

Meet & Greet Event Afterwards​

CLICK HERE for Upcoming Area GOP Events Calendar

Margaret Byfield to Speak May 17


Margaret Byfield, Executive Director of American Stewards of Liberty (ASL) will  speak at the May 17 meeting of Star Republican Women at Quail Point Community Center in Horseshoe Bay. 

The program will begin at 1 p.m., following a complimentary lunch that starts at 12:30 p.m.

Margaret was raised on a large cow calf operation in central Nevada purchased by her parents, Wayne and Jean Hage in 1978. Her family experienced unprecedented regulatory pressures that eventually led to Hage v. United States, the first federal lands grazing case filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims.  The case was in litigation for 27 years, during which time Margaret launched the property rights organization Stewards of the Range. Stewards merged with the American Land Foundation in 2009 forming American Stewards of Liberty (ASL).

Margaret has helped train, guide and advise elected leaders for the purpose of coordinating land use planning and management activities with federal and state agencies.  She has guided and participated in numerous government-to-government coordination meetings dealing with a variety of issues including federal resource management plans, endangered species, transportation corridors, power lines, high speed rail and many other concerns. 

Additionally, Margaret has helped local governments develop natural resource plans and specific policies for the purpose of conveying to federal and state agencies the local needs and priorities to be coordinated. 

Margaret lives in Georgetown, Texas with her husband Dan, CEO of ASL, along with one daughter and three step-children.

Texas SREC Committeewoman 

Mary Jane Avery to Provide Update


Mary Jane Avery, Texas Senate Republican Executive Committeewoman for Dist. 24, will provide an update on upcoming elections at the SRW May 17 meeting.  Avery is also President of the Burnet County Republican Women and Vice Chairman of the Burnet County Republican Party.

Mary Jane loves campaigning with the Mighty Texas Strike Force. “It is our privilege to assist conservative candidates in surrounding counties – after all, it is a TEAM effort,” says Mary Jane.

She is currently on the road weekly with her traveling buddy, TFRW District Director Gail Teeagarden, as they share SD24. They seek to inspire, motivate and train Republicans and TFRW members to work together to KEEP TEXAS RED!

PHOTO LEFT:  Mary Jane Avery (second from left) takes time out to visit with Gail Teegarden (far left) and First Lady of Texas Ceclia Abbott and another BCRW member at a recent BCRW meeting.  Photo credit to The Highlander.

Sara's Shorts


Make America Rational and Kind Again.

It is May, and like so many activities in Horseshoe Bay, Star Republican Women will take a summer break after our May 17, 2022 meeting and luncheon at Quail Point. We will return hopefully, Tuesday, September 21, 2022 with campaign zeal. We should then know our candidates for state senator, Attorney General, Land Commission and Railroad Commissioner and the rest of our complete ballot.

May means Vote!! So take a friend and Keep Texas Rational and Red!!

WOW, so many people to thank for our support this year. Our fabulous board, Quail Point staff that provides and sets up our meeting spot, our great membership that runs backup for so many of our projects, our local media who are always so kind, our hospitality committee, and local Republicans that support our events with their dollars and physical presence. Also in the background is one special lady, producing the monthly newsletter, correcting my spelling and grammar, and making sense of my mutterings is Mary Lou Kromer. Mary Lou and Lanny, her husband, are not just patron members but monthly sponsors of our newsletter. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for each of you! Star could not do it without each of you contributing.

May historically is quite the month. May 5, 1862 in the Battle of Puebla, Mexican troops defeated the invading French forces of Napoleon III. The day is celebrated in Mexico as Cinco de Mayo as Mexican troops were out numbered 3 to 1. Our Decoration Day of May 1865 was to honor and decorate the civil war graves as day of remembrance for the dead. Later in 1971 we created our Memorial Day as a three-day holiday for all war veterans as we continued to add more wars and lost more heroes. May 5, 1893 a stock market crash which crushed 600 banks and bankrupted 15,000 businesses. Sound familiar?? In Reims Germany May 7,1945, General Alfred Jodl signed unconditional surrender to Allied Commander General Dwight D Eisenhower. May 9, 1945 a second German surrender held in Berlin honoring twenty million Russians who died in defeat of Nazis was signed by Joseph Stalin. May 2, 2011 suspected mastermind Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces.

May 1, 2022 is looking as though it will not spare mankind conflict as the world is poised for WWIII, famine, economic crash and another pandemic just as we brace for elections. Media and politicians generate new fears. But history teaches us to stop, breathe, pray, and remember Isiah 9-6.

Do not Fear, Stand Strong, and Fight the Good Fight, as we take back our country. We are a great country, like no other, but we need to learn to love again! Let us work together to Make America Kind again and Make America Rational again!!

Sara Boyd, SRW President

Upcoming 2022 Elections 


May 7 Llano County/LISD

Llano County will hold an election on May 7 to elect trustees to the Llano Independent School District.  Former SRW President Denise Rives is vying for a LISD seat and is opposed by Paul Hull.  Early voting ends May 3. Election day is set for May 7.  Horseshoe Bay residents in Llano County will vote at Oak Ridge Estates Community Center.

May 24 GOP Primary Run-Off Election

Llano County will hold a run-off election on May 24 to decide winners among the GOP Primary candidates for Attorney General, Texas Railroad Commissioner, Texas Land Commissioner and State Senator, District 24.  Burnet County will be voting on candidates for State Rep. List. 19 as well.

Click the buttons below for early voting dates, times and locations.

Llano County May 24 Runoff Election
Burnet County May 24 Runoff Elections

SRW to Honor Vets On May 26 & 27


Star Republican Women will be distributing poppies in honor of our Veterans and Memorial Day.  SRW members will be joined by local Veterans to hand out poppies on Thursday, May 26 from 9-11 and Friday, Mary 27 from 9-11 at locations to be announced soon. 

Those who volunteer to help and those who stop by to get poppies will meet very humble, patriotic Veterans and hear their stories.  You's also meet families of the fallen and hear how much "wearing a poppy in remembrance" means to them.

All donations -- 100% -- collected by those receiving poppies will go to the American Legion Auxiliary Post 437 in Kingsland.

If you are interested in volunteering or want to recommend a veteran to participate, please text Sherry Olson at 830-596-3021 or Click on the Button below to email Sherry of your interest.

Sherry Olson, Caring for America Committee Chairman

Email Sherry to Volunteer

Team Leader Workshop Set for May 10



Ask a Friend to Join SRW!


Star Republican Women have so much fun together so why not ask your friends to join us?!

Click on the button below to get a membership form that you can give to your friends.  They can complete the form and bring it and their check to the upcoming meeting or mail it to the address on the form. And if you haven't renewed your membership, please do so now.

Membership is $30 and Associate Membership is $20. And bring an extra $6 to buy your personalized SRW name tag!

We appreciate your involvement in Star and the Texas Federation of Republican Women!

Kathy Stahl, Membership Committee Chairman

SRW Membership Form

SRW Patron and Sponsor Programs 

To Help Candidates & Communities

Star Republican Women thank those who have become sponsors and patrons in 2022, providing funds for Star's political contributions for the upcoming general elections and to support its Caring for America activities in local communities.

If you want to participate as a Patron or Sponsor, please click on the link below for additional information.  We welcome you recruiting others to participating in these programs as well.

Contributing Patrons

Donna and Bob Honnors

Mary Lou and Lanny Kromer

Yvonne Kaatz


Contributing Sponsors

Denise Rives

Randy Rives, Horseshoe Bay Councilman

SRW Patron & Sponsorship Programs

2022 SRW Officers


Sara Boyd [email protected] 817.475.6953
VP Programs Kathy Hussey [email protected] 325.423.0418
VP Membership Kathy Stahl [email protected] 832.472.5437
Secretary Debbie Lambert [email protected] 512.748.0814
Treasurer Julia Hall [email protected] 651.485.2707

2022 SRW Committee Chairmen

Awards Linda Baker l[email protected] 713.206.0711
Hospitality Carol Ascue [email protected] 512.663.3601
Bylaws Belle Guice [email protected] 210.508.7803
Parliamentarian Belle Guice [email protected] 210.508.7803
Caring for America Sherry Olson [email protected] 830.596.3021
Chaplain Louraine Robertson [email protected] 830.598.6660
Public Relations Jet Caleca [email protected] 810.845.9262
Ways & Means Marion Gardner [email protected] 830.613.9216
Literacy Kathy Hussey [email protected] 325.423.0418
Campaign Activities Barbara Derse  [email protected] 214.202.0052
Legislation Stephanie Hart s[email protected] 713.851.0036

 2022 TFRW Regional & District Leadership

Region XII Deputy President          Denise Rives                    [email protected]        

SD24 District Director                  Gail Teegarden        [email protected]

SD 22 District Director                 Devvie Duke              


NOTICE:     Political advertising paid for by Star Republican Women PAC, Treasurer Julia Hall, P.O. Box 8675, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657. SRW is a non-profit organization under Section 527 of the IRS Code.  Contributions to Star Republican Women PAC are NOT tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income purposes. Corporate contributions are not permitted. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.   

EDITOR:  Mary Lou Kromer – [email protected]