Happy Summer

July Newsletter

7/2020 Edition #3

We do hope you are enjoying our newsletters. The best way to get up to the minute information follow us on social media and visit us at root2seedonline.com Here is what we have been up to and what to look forward to in August. 

What's New in July: 


Strawberry Lavender


Raspberry Oregano


Blueberry Basil

Jams for sale in the Shop

Over June and July we worked hard harvesting and preserving that harvest in the form of jam. We made strawberry lavender, raspberry oregano, and blueberry basil jams. They will be for sale in the shop ​for $6 a jar or $15 for a trio of one of each flavor. Be on the lookout!

We participated in our first virtual sale!

On July 30th, we participated in our first virtual sales event with other women-owned small businesses via Facebook. Thanks to all who made a purchase it was a great time. 


You can now find us on YouTube!

We joined Youtube this month. We felt some things are better seen than read about. We will let you know when we post something new, but for now check us out and subscribe. Happy Viewing! 


Summer Planning-What's in Store?

We did indeed make two more varieties of jam (raspberry oregano and blueberry basil) all three varieties will soon be for sale in the Root2Seed store​. A composting section was added to the gardening page. Tons of harvesting and preparing for more preserving was completed. We will also be harvesting the rye that was grown as a cover crop last fall. ​Members received a weed identification chart with why they might be occurring and how to prevent them. They also received a guide for using plants to deter troublesome insects, and a companion planting guide. To become a member click here​. Root2Seed also spent the afternoon with the RI Worm CoOp to learn all about worm composting and making compost tea.​​


Body Spray


Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub


Acorn Squash


A Light Switch

In addition to the popular summer soap scents we have also released a line of salt, sugar, and coffee scrubs as well a linen/room and body spray. Just like the soaps these are made with the finest organic ingredients and will be custom made. All of our A Light Switch products can be found in our store. While visiting the store check out the new logo for A Light Switch products. 


The Hen Headlines

Delores, Harriette, Penelope, and Lucia (our 9y German Shepherd/Lab mix) had new addition to their animal family. Nola, the St. Bernard puppy has joined our team.  

How is the garden growing?

The gardens are bursting at the seams. The Potager is growing as planned and the 3 sisters planting is working well. An old saying about corn "knee high by the 4th of July" is good sign of a healthy stalk. Our confetti corn was as tall as me on the 4th and I am 5'2". Our pollinator flowers are blooming and the bees and butterflies have arrived. We began succession  planting for fall harvest of carrots, beets, radishes, lettuces, spinach, garlic, and arugula.  

Mystery Crop

The acorn squash and lumina pumpkins continue to do well. The moringa still has not shown itself, we will try again next year. 


Lumina Pumpkin

What we are liking right now

Each month we will point you in the direction of something we recommend or are liking. This month we chose worm composting. If you are interested in composting check out our gardening page, if you would like to know more about worm composting find RI Worm Farmers Co Op on our favorites page. 

July To Do List

  • Be aware of rainfall, plants need at least an inch a week. (Filling an empty tuna can is an inch of water or there are very inexpensive rain gauges).
  • Use preventative pest control. Be checking under leaves for signs of larva, keep the garden weeded and free from debris, and water appropriately. Review problematic insects and plant disease pages in order to learn what to look for. 
  • Begin succession planting for fall harvest, think of what you planted in spring (peas, carrots, lettuce, etc) and plant now to eat in fall. 
  • Apply sunscreen, check for ticks, and be patient. 

Happy Growing!