President's Message
Greetings Zontians & Friends!
Wow! How did we now get to April? April showers bring spring flowers!! I changed up the quote to pertain to our upcoming month of April. The Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey has a very busy month (showers) which will produce amazing results (flowers) in so many different areas.
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As we approach our April closed business membership meeting, please plan to attend and give your input (showers). We have decisions to make regarding the future/upcoming year(s) and you have the choice to be at the meeting and plan for the future. Let’s make a difference locally, regionally, and globally!! It’s our choice and we are blessed to be able to have such choices and privileges!! The flowers are the results of our decisions moving forward.
Remember to invite friends and attend the BINGO event on Saturday, April 13th. This is our last fundraiser (showers) of the year and proceeds will go towards grants, scholarships, and ZI initiatives to better the world for women and girls (flowers).
Please mark your calendar for Monday, April 22nd to attend the Crime Victims Right’s Event at the State Capital. Please see detailed information later in the newsletter. We plan to have a table set up at the event and network with the other attendees. Networking is important especially for future collaboration of events, etc.
The Advocacy Committee has also planned a social media campaign for Victim’s Rights which will run the week of April 22nd. Please read, like, and share the posts so that we can reach a much bigger audience. The posts will be published on the ZCHH website and ZCHH Facebook page.
Membership Committee has been doing a great job in meeting with potential new members and walking them through the process to become members of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey. I was able to meet three of the new members at various Zonta events. We are looking forward to welcoming these women into our Club at the April meeting. (Flowers!!!)
I am looking forward to seeing each of you at our Membership Meeting on April 11, 2024. Again, keep in mind that the showers (our hard work, meetings, volunteering, etc.) will result in amazing flowers (positive results to benefit women and girls throughout the world).
Cheers! Amy
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We are excited to announce three new members will be installed at the April 11th membership meeting - Renee Lariff, Maggie Fitter and Margaret Duncan. Joining Stacey Clark who was installed at the December meeting, that gives us four new members this year. Please join me in welcoming the new members to the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey. An orientation meeting will be scheduled in June.
Alice Kirchner and I plan to attend The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC) 2024 Annual Grantee Recognition Breakfast on Tuesday, April 30th in support of Greenlight Operation who is one of the 2024 Fund for Women & Girls grantees. Other winners are Healthy Steps Diaper Bank, Community Check Up Center of South Harrisburg, and Girls on the Run to mention a few that we have also supported. If you would like to join us for this Recognition Breakfast, please let me know. Registration is required at
I will send a congratulations e-mail to the graduating Golden Z-Club members in May 2024 – Jocelyn Black, Maddie Sparks and Emma Weller - to give them information about ZI and the research link to the clubs that may be in the areas that they live in after graduation. Congratulations to them.
Watch your emails for the registration details for the Zonta District 3 Workshop being held via Zoom on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16-17th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Heather Jackson has been invited to serve as the Co-Chair of the District 3 Golden Z/Z Club Committee (College and High School) for the next two years. Congratulations Heather.
At the PA Protects Against Trafficking event (see the Advocacy section) on March 26th, Karen Shirey had the opportunity to chat with Zozan Kucukaydin who is working for PCAR. Zozan was a former Golden Z Club and Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey member. Zozan shared a couple of good news items - her family recently brought her grandmother to the U.S. after experiencing the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023, and Zozan and her fiancé are getting married in August 2024. Congratulations Zozan, and we wish you well!
Kathy Gates, Membership Committee Chair
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Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee would like to present the following nominees who have agreed to serve in a leadership position on the Zonta Club Board for 2024-2026.
President: Kathy Gates
Vice President: Heather Jackson
Treasurer: Deb Crum (current Board approved another 2-yr term)
Directors: Claudia Barry, Maria Todaro
Nominating Committee: Diana Laughner, Amy Peffley, Karen Shirey
Completing their terms for 2024-2025 year (no vote required):
Secretary: Alice Kirchner
Director: Suzanne Gale
We will hold the election at the annual meeting on April 11th at Penn State Harrisburg. A majority of the membership is required to be present to establish a quorum. I hope that you will plan to attend the meeting.
I want to thank the current Nominating Committee for their work on preparing this slate.
Kathy Gates, Nominating Committee Chair
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April Birthday's
Grace Huber, Kathleen O'Malley, Alice Kirchner, Elaine Weinert, Judy Redlawsk
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Greenlight Operation 5K - Saturday, May 4th
Join Greenlight Operation as a runner, walker, sponsor or volunteer for their annual 5K on City Island. Their goal is to raise $40,000 to support the restorative care of trafficking survivors. Details available at:
If you can participate as a volunteer, sign up here. They are looking for help with registration, setup, cleanup, course cheerleaders and overall helpful people to ensure the participants have a wonderful experience and learn more about Greenlight Operation.
Use these links if you would like to make a donation or be a sponsor.
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The Golden Z Club at Penn State Harrisburg donated diaper baskets to the Healthy Brain and Child Development Study at Penn State College of Medicine. This donation went to families in need. Some of the items donated were diapers, baby wipes, children’s books, and toiletries.
The Golden Z Club will finish their year with a collection of summer clothes for YWCA Harrisburg.
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Young Women in Public Affairs Award Winner
We're happy to announce that Gowri Potti, a freshman Political Science major at Penn State Harrisburg was selected as our 2024 Young Women in Public Affairs Award winner. Gowri will join us at the April 11th meeting to receive our congratulations and her $1,000 award check. Gowri will be considered for an additional $5,000 D3/ZI award.
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
We are accepting applications for this scholarship until Wednesday, April 30. Details are available on our website at: Scholarships - Zonta Harrisburg-Hershey (
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Membership and Dues for 2024-2025 | |
In the March newsletter there was detailed information about the components of our dues, the benefits of our membership, and the impact our club makes both locally and globally. Each club year offers members a variety of opportunities to support Zonta’s mission to BUILD A BETTER WORLD FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS.
As we move toward a new club year, your annual dues payment may be sent to Deb Crum (home address found in your membership listing) or with payment at the April or May in person meetings. Thank you in advance for your timely payment of dues that will allow the club to honor deadlines with District 3 and Zonta International.
Renewing members of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey should pay $161.00
no later than May 9th, 2024.
Checks should be made payable to the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey.
The amount paid to Deb includes dues for our Club, District 3 and Zonta International. Further details about the breakdown and use of the dues is available here.
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Foundation Fundraising 2023-2024
A donation in honor of birthdays, anniversaries or other special events is a great way to support the Foundation throughout the year. Donations to the Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation may be sent anytime to;
Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation, P.O. Box 590 ~ Hummelstown, PA 17036
Thank you for helping to build a better world for women and girls!
April 13, 2024 – Annual BINGO fundraiser.
We look forward to seeing you April 13, 2024 for our 3rd Annual BINGO Fundraiser! Thank you for signing up for food/drink items and your efforts at selling tickets for this event – please forward payment for ticket sales by April 8th..
Finance Committee
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Advocacy Update
The Advocacy Committee participated in the PA Protects Against Trafficking sponsored by the PA Interagency Human Trafficking Prevention Workgroup, held at the Capitol on Monday, March 25.
A total of 24 groups attended and had table assignments. Included were state agencies and non-profits from across Pennsylvania.
The 11:00AM Press Conference featured three speakers: Michelle Henry, PA Attorney General and two women who spoke about their first-hand knowledge of trafficking. One of the speakers, Ashley Walkowiak, Director of Policy, Intergovernmental Affairs & Mediation for PA and also the Chair of the Cumberland County Commission for Women, spoke about her sister’s trafficking experience.
The 1:00PM panel was narrated by Maryann McEvoy, PA Child Advocate. The panel consisted of six people – two survivors and four individuals. We did learn at this session that Attorney General Michelle Henry launched the office’s first-ever Human Trafficking Section to address and bolster statewide efforts to effectively investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases and facilitate assistance for victims. Chief Deputy Attorney General Heather Castellino will lead the Human Trafficking Section.
Please mark your calendars for the next Advocacy event:
Monday, April 22, 2024 – National Crime Victims’ Rights Rally 2024 (Club members attended the last two years). This event is sponsored by the Crime Victims’ Alliance of Pennsylvania.
From Suzanne V. Estrella, Esq., Commonwealth Victim Advocate.
“How would you help? Options, Services and Hope for Crime Survivors”. We would love for you and crime survivors you serve to come and spend the day with us on April 22, 2024. We plan to bombard the state capitol with messaging from crime survivors and service providers as we challenge elected officials and citizens to consider how they will help. The day will begin at 9:00 am with table displays, art displays, a photobooth to capture statements from survivors – telling us what help looks like for them, opportunities to share messages with elected officials and two formal press conferences at 11:00 am and 1:00 pm in the Capitol Rotunda. The day includes lots of networking opportunities, including lunch together at noon in room 60E downstairs in the Capitol. I hope that you will be able to join us. We look forward to seeing you at the Capitol.
Nancy Fodor has compiled updates on several legislative items that you can find at Advocacy - Zonta Harrisburg-Hershey (
Advocacy Committee
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Advocacy and service actions supporting
women and children in PA and the World
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Top - Left: Members Grace and Nancy with Rep. Joe Webster; Center: Our partners from Hope.Inspire.Love and Greenlight Operation at the Human Trafficking seminar; Right: Nancy, Margaret (about-to-be new member!!), Maggie (also about-to-be new member!!) and Karen.
Bottom - Left: Some of the spouses at the IFP luncheon, celebrating International Women's Day; Center: Claudia, Karen and Amy with Jessica, coordinator of IFP Program; Right: rows and rows of yellow roses we shared with our newest group of international friends.
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Click here for the calendar of all upcoming meetings, events and special days. | |